A paper wind turbine is a great way to experiment with wind energy. You can make one in several ways. Try making it the KKC way using a paper plate. Mini Wind Turbine - You. The motor can be purchased at Radio Shack and it is very inexpensive. Do-It-Yourself Wind Turbine Project 4 Foot Wind Turbine - option.

Our team created a wind powered generator in the form of a Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Our aim was to create a turbine which generated as much power possible using motor in a wind tunnel.
We also needed to design the wind turbine with a specific market in mind. Vpn Tracker 3.5.1 Download there. We decided that our turbine would be suited best to educate children about the environment and renewable energy.
Nessessities for this project. Materials: 4 Pieces of 550 x 350 x 15 MDF Steel rod (440x (diameter 19) 15 bore ball bearings (high quality bearings used in bike hubs) 4M threaded aluminuim rod 6mm thick clear acrylic (required for gear) 3500RPM motor generator Joints: Tools: bandsaw power drill sand paper lathe disc sander.
1) We carried out research and decided that 2 symmetrical aerofoil blades would suit our needs best. We used this website and selected the NACA 015 aerofoil section template. 2) Using this file, we then created a model in solid works. This was a 2D representation of the NACA 015. 3) We then placed the file in Adobe illustrator and laser cut the shape out of 6mm thick clear acrylic. This was then used as a guide/template. 4) Each blade consists of 2 pieces of 18mm thick ( 80mm long and 320mm deep).