Paint Program In C#.net more. Libro De Biofisica Medica Pdf Viewer on this page. Contents • • • • • Description When an aircraft intends to land on a runway for which no instrument approach procedure exists, it may descend on the instrument approach to another runway and, provided the required visual references are established at the circling, manoeuvre visually for landing on the desired runway. This procedure is used when landing on the instrument runway is undesirable, due for example to wind conditions or work in progress. Definition A circling approach is an extension of an instrument approach procedure which provides for visual circling of the aerodrome prior to landing. (ICAO Doc 8168: Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) Vol I - Flight Procedures) A circling approach is the visual phase of an instrument approach to bring an aircraft into position for landing on a runway which is not suitably located for a straight-in approach. (JAR-OPS 1.435 (a) (1)) Go-around from a Circling Approach Because the runway on which the aircraft makes the instrument approach is not the runway to which it is circling, confusion may exist in a pilot's mind if a go-around should become necessary.