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Concord offers single-stage, variable speed & multi-stage gas furnaces for energy-efficient comfort during cold weather. If you live in an.

Concord 80 Plus Gas Furnace Manual

At Hometown Heating and Air, we know that quality and price happen to go hand in hand. Which is why we guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with our service. We also come with the experience to quickly and properly diagnose the issue. Often times we have the part to repair your furnace on our trucks so you don’t have to wait for us to come back out.

Last, when it comes to price, we won’t promise to be the cheapest, after all, you get what you pay for. But we do promise to be fairly priced. Crack Url Filter Firefox here. We offer fair rates and we never charge by the hour.

We charge by the job so no matter how long it takes to get your furnace fixed you will know the cost of the work up front. Now, you know we are qualified, we have integrity, and offer fair pricing. What are you waiting for? Give us a call to schedule your furnace repair visit today!

— Do not store or us e gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. — WHA T TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS • Do not try to light any appliance.

• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. • Leave the building immediatel y. • Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions. • If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. — Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.

W ELCOME T O TODAY’ S GENE RATION OF COMFOR T...................................... 2 FURNACE C OMPONEN TS............................... 2 GENERAL FU RNACE SAFE TY........................... 2 IMPORTAN T FACTS (DO’ S AND DON ’TS)................. 3 SAFETY CON SIDERATION S............................. 3 BEFORE STARTIN G Y OUR FURNA CE.....................

4 STARTING Y OUR FURNACE........................... 3,4 Steps for Starting Y our Furnace......................... 4 SHUTTING DOWN Y OUR FURNACE.................... 5,6 PERFORMIN G ROUTINE M AINTENAN CE................. 6 Filtering Ou t Trou ble................................. 6 COMBUSTION AREA AND V ENT SYSTEM............... 6,7 BEFORE Y OU REQUEST A SERVICE CALL..............

7,8 REGULA R DEALER MA INTENAN CE...................... 8 INSTALLATIO N DATA.................................. Congratula tions! Y our new, higher efficiency gas furnace is a sound investment which will reward you and your family with years of warm memories winter after winter. Not only is your new furnace energy efficient, it is also ex- tremely reliable. Spend just a few minutes with this booklet to learn about the operation of your new furnace—and the small amount of maintenance it takes to keep it operating at peak efficiency. Y ears went in to the developmen t of your n ew furnace.