NewBlue Video Essentials 1.0 Description: NewBlue Video Essentials is an Adobe Premiere plugin pack designed to make your workfow as efficient as possible. NewBlue Video Essentials was designed to enhance, optimize, and accelerate your productivity. Included Tools: Color Fixer Plus provides a quick and easy way to fix color balance. It can also adjust the saturation, brightness, and film gamma to quickly get the look you want in one tool. Crop Borders quickly and easily eliminates unnecessary video borders. Detail Enhancer strengthens the lines and edges in the video image, bringing out detail in a dull or foggy scene and resulting in a clearer picture. Flash Remover automatically senses camera flashes and removes them from the video.
Pixelator replaces an oval area on the screen with large colored blocks, obscuring the underlying image. This can be used to obscure a face to maintain anonymity. Sharpen refines the video image, enhancing the definition. Soft Focus gently blurs the video image.
Tint changes the coloring and light behavior of the video image. It provides control over the tinting, color saturation, brightness, and has the option of adding the lighting depth of film. X Plane 10 Bombardier Challenger 300 Download. So, you get the tools you need to quickly get your clips looking right, all in one place. Touch Up smoothes the image, removing subtle blemishes from the video, while maintaining strong details. Stonewall Attack Chess Pdf Download. Touch Up is a great way to clean up an image to make it more appealing.
Video Tuneup combines four very useful image adjustment filters for quick and easy fine (or not so fine) tuning of the image. Download Ratatouille Ps2 Iso Downloads on this page. NewBlue Video Essentials 1.0 Requirements: Adobe Premiere Related: - NewBlue Video Essentials security information You cannot download any crack or serial number for NewBlue Video Essentials on this page. Every software that you are able to download on our site is legal.