ETL Test Plan Template Completed. Etl Unit Testing. Ramesh Amula. RCS tool demoed to New York prosecutors. Matthew Keys. It should check the ETL procedures. Data Warehouse & ETL Tutorial; ETL Testing. Automated Unit Testing in SAP Data Services. This is particularly beneficial to an ETL.
In order to use SSIS Tester you will need a) SQL Server 2008/2012 with locally installed integration services b).NET framework 3.5 and c) Testing Tools for Visual Studio 2008/2010. There are two versions of SSIS Tester that target different SQL Server versions. One is for the SQL Server 2008 and the other for SQL Server 2012 version. If you install version for SQL Server 2008, you can use both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 to create tests. If you install version for SQL Server 2012 you can only use Visual Studio 2010. Unit and live tests are supported by the framework.
Unit tests are performed in 3 steps that enable you to prepare and verify tests, and to do cleanup after the test has executed. Unit tests are designed to test packages or tasks for a specific use cases, therefore you can write more than one unit test to test different aspects of the same package or task. With a unit test you can test particular package, task or precedence constraint. Loopbe30 Serial on this page. It is challenging to create realistic test setup and initial conditions needed for a unit test so the package or task being tested behaves like part of the complete ETL process. To overcome this problem SSIS Tester supports integration tests - also called live tests. Live test is basically a post-condition, defined for a package/task that needs to be satisfied after the package/task has executed. This post-condition corresponds to the verification step of a unit test.

Unlike the unit test, live test can not be explicitly defined for a precedence constraint, but they can be tested in a live test as well. They are different from the unit tests in a way that you do not have possibility to prepare the test prior to package execution and perform clean up after it. Raw Fusion Live From The Styleetron Rar Files. Similarly as when writing unit test, you have to verify the execution result of a package or a specific task. Another big difference is that, unlike unit test, integration test does not execute the package; it is the other way round, a package executes a test when it comes to the point for which a post-condition is defined. You should use live tests to test you whole ETL process.