Martec also offers what it calls its Slipstream model, which has a pair of interlinked blades. As with Flexofold, Gori, Volvo and most other folding props, the blades. Discover all the information about the product Racing sailboat propeller / folding / propeller. Of Martec folding props. For installation.
Eliptec-info.gif Elegant. Even more powerful performance. Our folding props deliver unparalleled performance, matching and bettering fixed two-blade props. Since1964 we have continually refined and upgraded the Martec folding prop. We have redefined the concept of low-drag sailboat propellers, creating a family of folding, feathering. And fixed blade props. The Complete Tutankhamun By Nicholas Reeves Pdf Editor more.
We've literally changed the expectations for sailboat auxiliary power and sailing performance. Today, Martecs power both maxi sleds and hardcore world cruisers. Whether in millimeters or inches) Which one of the following choices best describes your vessel Fin keel with shaft & strut installation Shaft exits directly from keel Prop is seated. In an aperture Check for prop clearance by measuring from the end of the shaft nut threads The amount of clearance from the tip of the blade to the hull should be 15% of the overall.
Diameter of the blade, i.e., a 15' diameter prop will require 9-3/4' measurement from the center of the end of the shaft to the hull. Radius of one blade.7-1/2' plus 15. Eliptical keels, fancy low-drag propellers, and a zinc anywhere on the shaft from the strut to the hull, and a two or three inch gap between the strut and the prop. A Martec Bullet. Nosed Zinc should be fitted to the shaft precisely leaving a ( 3/8' to 1/4' ) gap between it and the strut to let water thru the strut bearing. The prop should be fitted behind. American Eagle S Fsx Planes.