Calculate Speed and Feed for Turning Applications. These calculations are based upon theoretical values and are only intended for planning purposes. This calculator will determine the recommended machining Speeds and Feeds. Machining Speeds and Feeds Calculator. Raw Fusion Live From The Styleetron Rar Files. Calculate Cutting Speed Variables. Our free speed and feed calculator can be used to determine the spindle speed (RPM) and feed rate (IPM) for the specified cutting conditions, as well as the cut time.
This Turning Surface Finishes calculator converts values between speed, corner radius, and surface finish value. Enter two of the values in the appropriate input fields, click 'Calculate,' and see the resulting third value on the right. This Tool Life Speed Adjustments calculator shows you a range of cutting speeds for different tool lives. Ammonia Piping Installation Norms here.
Enter the cutting speed for the tool for a 15-minute tool life, click 'Calculate,' and see the results below showing different cutting speeds for shorter and longer tool life. Tool life speed adjustment formulas are courtesy of Iscar Metals Inc., Arlington, TX. This Tool Life Durations calculator addresses two different conditions.