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How To Install Wifi Repeater

In the following tutorial we show you how easy it is to install SLAX Linux to a USB Flash Drive from within Windows. Bureau 13 Stalking The Night Fantastic Pdf To Excel here. Created by Tomas Matejicek.

Something must have gone wrong with the installation because you don't have a menu entry for Linux. You can probably fix it manually: • Boot the Live CD/USB. • Mount the root partition again. Toyota Supra Font Download. • Bind-mount the /boot directory inside the root partition: mount --bind /WHERE/EVER/YOU/MOUNTED/ROOT/PARTITION/boot /boot • Run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Then, check grub.cfg again; it should have an menu entry(ies) for Linux. If not, maybe you don't have any kernels in /boot; which would mean the installer probably failed.