Anonymous @anon12:45 - I'm not. And don't even get me started about SEED DESTINY.
Case W14 Shop Manual. The build up is very disappointing for the Series, the second half is okay. But the ending is horrible. Not to mention the Characters aren't really even that interesting. SEED was going to be nice when it was first announced, it started to really dwindle down to not being interesting, all the way to the lackluster end. I could understand if you don't have other Gundam Series' to watch, but is HD and redrawing really that necessary? I'd rather have seen an older Series get this treatment, IMO.
I'm not going to bother with DESTINY, since it's not getting an HD Remaster. So much for lack of taste.
Roberto Carlos - O grande amor da minha vida.mp3. May 28, 2006 Regular edition release of 'Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Complete Best.' Includes intro and outro themes, remixed songs and more. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Complete Best. By Various Artists. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Complete Best. Vodafone Call Details Software Free Download. Aug 3, 2012 08/12. By Various Artists.
Anonymous It is not shit, it is better than 0089 with a bunch of idiots running around doing the same thing Char and Amuro did. It just depends. The poor fights itself is the major thing hinder this thing from being interesting.
Lacking of taste here is you, my friend. Destiny sucks but if you just running around the net gathering a bunch of negative comments on something you don't actually watch, this is as far as you can write, yeah yeah bad build up, bad ending a damn general and oversimplified perspective. Something even a kid can write about a show.Seriously, you don't like it, then don't watch it, no complain, everyone's happy, simple.
God, how could u say that Seeds Ending was horrible? I think thats the better ending among all gundams ending. If u say it to SeedDestiny, that series deserve a bit because the biased and stupid things that actually it should no need to happen.
GUndam Seed was titled as a legend and the best ever gundam in gundam universe by Critics. GS also have a best plots-music-characters whilst the story moves perfectly without any delayed.not too slow or too fast either.
So, Seed really deserve to Crowned as Legend~ sorry for my mistake and no heart feeling's kay~ XD. Madcap The thing I kind of am disappointed with is that the widescreen is cutting off a good amount of the video. I ran the 720p version with the normal 4:3 version in sync side-by-side and all they did was add black bars to make it widescreen. I know there's nothing else they could have done aside from re-drawing it but still. I literally put two pieces of paper on my screen where the 720p black bars were and the 4:3 looked nearly identical. Other then that the HD remaster is looking awesome especially with the fully remastered scenes. Anonymous You have to watch/read UC.
Every bit of UC starting from Freedom Fighter Gunboy all the way to Crossbone X Victory Gundam. Having seen Gundam Wing long before any UC work, as a kid imo SEED turned me off from what i thought was 'good' about Gundam (well blame Wing and G's overstylized action set pieces but a lack of plot. Watching SEED 2 years after it came out REALLY REALLY bored the hell out of me. I was watching it on cable in Asia, and even when the action came, me and my brother's bias made us flick the channel and sleep on our hotel room. And ive bought a gaming mag with an excerpt about SEED which had just debuted on our country that time.
But now times have changed. I have seen some UC work, inc MSG/Freedom Fighter Gunboy, MS IGLOO, 0080 War in the pocket, 0083 Stardust Memory, Zeta, F91, V. For AC ive seen G, W, X, Turn A, SEED, 00, AGE, some of Unicorn. Still i think Zeta Gundam, with Unicorn next to it has some of the best writing plot and character development in it.
As an adult who not only appreciates good action, but now a great story told unpredictably as well, with all the twists and politics and drama. Most Gundam fans agree nothing comes close to Zeta. But imo i really love 00. I have a whole collection of Gunpla of it having missed out on the previous Gundam series. AGE is shaping to be better IMO than SEED. AGE is retaining my vested interest in it, sure it may be lighthearted and a LOT of ignorant hateful western bakas spammed the youtube promo vid of AGE just to make a statement. Well Sunrise replied back by not premiering it in the West.
AND closing down the Bandai online store. Sure you can get your bootleg Gundam anime somewhere but what about the hard to find Bluray/DVD boxsets? Karma is a beam sabre to the cockpit. Anonymous @blacksolar212: Im a western.