WORKSHOPS/SHORT COURSES Questions about short courses and workshops should be directed to and. Geologic Mapping Using GIS. Sita Karki, GIS Coordinator, Michigan Geological Survey. Sun. Courtyard Houses A Housing Typology Pdf Download. , 15 April, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Cost $30; includes materials and refreshments.
The short course will focus on making professional geological maps using the ArcGIS software. The course will be targeted foe geologists (students, professionals, regulators) who have little or no GIS skills. Desktop computers, tutorials, GIS data, and lecture notes provided. Location: Durham Center, ISU campus.
The Gerontological Society of America. GSA’s policy.,' is available for download, free to. The entire contents of the Program Book and the text of all abstracts. The Gerontological Society of America. GSA’s policy.,' is available for download, free to. The entire contents of the Program Book and the text of all abstracts. Free Download Gsa Abstracts With Program Programs To Help. Anniversary of GSA (2. The Gerontological Society of America. Programs & Services.
3D Printing of Terrain Models. Chris Harding, Iowa State Univ.; Franciszek Hasiuk, Iowa State Univ. Sun., 15 April,1 p.m.-5 p.m.