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Mar 05, 2016 Well since i was looking a while for those Interfaces ( Visual Patch ) i will share them. So lets start with the interlude Interface ( Visual Patch ) Images. Drop Patch L2 Interlude Download download. Drop calculator. Interlude knowledgebase (russian interface only).

This element is used to inform players about different game evens, such as start of the quest, new mail, invitation to the Ceremony of Chaos etc. Status Window • Level. Max character level for main/dualclass is 105. Max subclass level is 80. The golden frame around the level is the sign that is activated. • - Character level with PA activated. • - Character level without PA.

• Character Name. The amount of Combat Points (CP). Used during duels and PvP. CP points are deducted first, then HP. CP can be restored with herbs and skills.

The amount of health points. Animation Program For Kids on this page. If HP equals 0, the character is dead. The amount of mana.

Drop Patch L2 Interlude Interface

Mana is spent when a character uses skills. The current level of a character's vitality.

For more details, see. • Changing window size.

Use to stretch the window horizontally. See also: • Buff/Debuff Window By default, the Buff/Debuff window is displayed to the right from the Status Window, but you can easily move it to the place which is convenient for you. The amount of Buff/Debuff types is limited, if you try to get more effects, the last effect in the row will be cancelled and replaced with a new one (it will be placed at the beginning of the row). Displays buffs. At the beginning, the max amount of buffs is 20. If you learn and develop the Divine Inspiration skill, it can be increased up to 24.

• Toggle Skills. There's no max amount of toggle skills. The icons of toggle skills are displayed after the icons of buffs. • Songs/Dances. Such effects as songs/dances are displayed. The debuffs cast upon your character.

The penalties your character has. For example, death penalty or exceeding the weight limit. Target Window • Target/Mob's name. By the colour of the mob's name, you can approximately tell its level. For more info, see • Target's HP.• More Info Show/Hide.

Showing/hiding additional info about the target. Craftsman Staple Gun 68514 Manual here. • Additional Info. For players, their clan, alliance and title are shown; for mobs and NPCs - their race and additional characteristics. Hover your mouse on the icon to read the description. • Cancel target.

Used to cancel the current target. Just like Esc.

• Changing the window size. The target window can be enlarged horizontally.

Radar Window. Maximize/minimize map Changes the map size. Transparent Mini map transparency on-off. Show monsters Mobs display on the mini map - on/off. Mobs are displayed as red points only in the radar circle.

Show party members Show party members - on/off. Party members are displayed as red points only in the radar circle. Fixed radar Fixed mini-map on/off. Fixed mini map is fixed by the cardinal directions. Not fixed mini map turns the way the upper part is the direction of the camera.

My Teleports Opens the menu. Turning off the radar. Press [Alt + Shift + R] Chat window The Chat window is used for communication, to display system messages and to input additional commands. You can get more info about the Chat window in the article. Shortcut bars • Adding / closing additional shortcut bars.

By default, only one shortcut bar is displayed. When you press this button, you add the second, then the third and the fourth, and the fifth bars, when you press it for the fourth time, the 3 additional bars will be closed. [Alt + E] • The number of a shortcut bar. There are 20 bars in total, you can use 5 of them at the same time. To toggle to the bar you need, use the switches.