PC-DMIS PC-DMIS information and references. PC-DMIS starts to open and then closes or crashes immediately without any error message. What is going on? PC-DMIS Subcategories in PC-DMIS PC-DMIS Software Downloads. PC-DMIS 2018 R1; PC-DMIS 2018 R1 Release Notes Author: CTA Date added: 20180220 Permissions: all.

In a nutshell, serialization consists of writing data and objects on a support (a file, a buffer, a socket) so that they can be reconstructed later in the memory of the same or another computing host. The reconstruction process is also known as deserialization.
Serializing a primitive type like a bool, int, or float is trivial: just write the data as it is (assuming that no compression is used). Serializing a pointer is different: the object it points to must be serialized first. That way deserializing the pointer simply consists of setting its value to the memory address at which the object has been reconstructed. We can distinguish three levels of complexity in serialization, depending on how complex the pointer (and reference) graph is: • The pointer graph is a forest (i.e., a set of trees). Data can simply be serialized bottom up with a depth first traversal of the trees. • The pointer graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), i.e., a graph without loop.
We can still serialize the data bottom up, making sure we write and restore shared data only once. • The pointer graph is a general graph, i.e., it may have loops.
We need to write and restore data with forward references so that loops are handled properly. I have 20 years experience in software architecture and product development, including 10 years experience in research. I worked at eBay, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, Magma, and I am an independent consultant in software design and development. I have published 50+ research papers or book chapters, and invented several algorithms for which I hold a few patents. I am interested in technology as a whole, in particular software, hardware, and web-based applications.
Check me out on LinkedIn or twitter (@ocoudert). Shakti Misra 20-Nov-11 7:46 20-Nov-11 7:46 Good introduction. Recently I started some research in Object Oriented Database. 1001 Wisdom Keys Of Mike Murdock Pdf. I have figured out a way to do it with C++. But unfortunately I cannot share it out here. I enjoyed the article.
Del Taco Drivers Usb Mouse. But considering your back ground may be I can request you to write some internals of Boost Serialization. I guess that can help people out here.
Boost is a library that is powerful. There are documents but I think an internals documents are needed. If you wish I can help you with it.
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