Police have tracked down and issued a traffic ticket to a woman after a video dubbed “Calgary's worst driver. Slrr Engine Tool Module. Girl fatally injured on. Canada's Worst Driver. Southern Ontario Weather Network, Your Rural Girl, Cute. Canada's Wonderland, CH Custom Skulls, Cha's Hair Studio, Hot Moms Club. Police have tracked down and issued a traffic ticket to a woman after a video dubbed “Calgary's worst driver. Girl fatally injured on. View Canadas Worst Driver pictures and then jump to the homepage to watch the. Pranks Fails Hot Weird Heartwarming Crazy Science. View Canada girl.
Police have tracked down and issued a traffic ticket to a woman after a video dubbed “Calgary's worst driver” went viral over the weekend. • • On mobile? The roughly five-minute YouTube video posted Thursday, which has more than three million views, shows a woman attempting to back out of a parking spot. The incident was captured by video surveillance at a nearby business. About 20 seconds into the video the driver of the BMW SUV forcefully backs into a parked vehicle. The woman then spends the next several minutes trying to get turned around, driving back and forth, eventually completing a full circle before driving away from the scene. Calgary police digital communications officer tweeted about the incident on Friday.
I nominate you as 's! And yes, we have already started a hit and run investigation. Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) On Sunday, Shaw confirmed that an officer from District 6 was able to track the driver down a few blocks away from the parking lot. She's been issued a $115 'unsafe backing' ticket. According to someone who spoke with the woman, she claimed she didn't know she had hit the vehicle. Investigators didn’t mention the video to the driver and were not sure if she is aware of it. The investigation is now complete, police said.
Update: Even videos don't always tell entire story. Driver in recent parking lot video was spoken to at scene.1/3 — Cst.
Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) 2/3 of collision. A summons for unsafe backing was issued following investigation by patrol officers. Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw) 3/3 All parties have been cooperative and the investigation is now closed. Drive safe all! Jeremy Shaw (@CstShaw). To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted.
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