Ovftool Download 4.1. To minimize the differences between Xrite measurement devices and to ensure highest data exchange quality, all Xrite and EFI devices make use of the new XRGA standard. Implementation of M0, M1 (D50) and M2 (UV cut) measurement modes allows ISO 13655-compliant measurements for the best color match under the latest industry-standard viewing conditions. Fiery XF Proofing Version 5 includes the Color Verifier Option that allows you to certify proofs compliant to industry standards like ISO, G7 or FOGRA PSD as well as user-defined standards. Additional Information: Printer Options M, XL and XXL Printer Options M, XL and XXL support many output devices such as inkjet, LED and laser printers. Warhammer Pdf Download John Coltrane Newport 63 Rarlab. there. Printer Option M supports A3/A2 printers with a printing width of 18'. Printer Option XL caters to printers with a printing width of 19' to 24,' while Printer Option XXL is for printers with a printing width over 25'. The basic package includes Printer Option M; however, you can add other printer options at any time.