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View and Download DIGITECH DIGIDELAY manual online. DIGIDELAY pdf manual download. DigiTech Digidelay Disassembly: This guide gives you an overview of what makes your DigiTech DigiDelay electric guitar effect pedal tick.
DigiTech® Sound Community:: Guitar Products Community Search: X Series pages only Guitar pages only All Sound Community X Series Thread:: Digidelay power adapter () Author Message Phil Thai (unregistered) Subject: Digidelay power adapter Hi, I have a Digidelay pedal and I am using a generic 9V - 300mA power supply. Tkinter Tutorial Python Pdf. I am not sure if it is regulated or not.
I noticed that the power comsumption of the pedal is 4.8 Watts as indicated in the manual. Doesn't that exceed 300ma? Is there a risk of damaging the pedal if I continue to use my power supply? The pedal sounds awesome by the way and is the best I have used, especially in the $99 range.
Thanks, Philippe Duotone (unregistered) Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter 4.8 watts is the TOTAL power consumption of the pedal and power adapter, which is really pretty wasteful. You really should use the recommended power adapter, but if all you have is 9v/300ma, make sure it is regulated and you should be OK.
Phil Thai (unregistered) Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter Thanks for the response. I will get the Digitech power supply. For 19.99 its not worth ruining my awesome new pedal. Thanks again, Phil Thai Chris (unregistered) Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter what if i have a BOSS tuner pedal (that can power up to 7 pedals) will that ruin the X-Series pedals? Wuapachoso member since: messages: 90 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter Hey, i emailed Musician's firned tech support and they told me that with the Boss Tuner TU-2 you shouldn't have problems. Mark Bratcher member since: messages: 1940 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter It all depends upon what power supply you plug into the Boss Tuner. The TU-2 does not supply power, it just distributes what you give it.
As long as the supply you give it is ~9VDC, has a high enough max current rating, and the TU-2 output power chain gives you positive power on the outside of the barrel connector (most likely does), you should be OK. Wuapachoso member since: messages: 90 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter Ok, if i use a 9 V with 300mA into the Boss TU-2 my digitech xseries will received 9V 300mA right? If it is correct i will be ok? That what you mean >? Mark Bratcher member since: messages: 1940 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter Well. Not necessarily right.
I assume the TU-2 is going to want some of that 300mA. Let's say it's 80mA. Which leaves 220mA max available for the X-pedal. Remember, these are max values. So it may work. But it may occasionally (even very infrequently) fail. What you want is a power supply whose max current spec is the sum of the max current spec's of all the devices it drives.
That will ensure that you have plenty of head room to handle any small surges in current they may require. Wuapachoso member since: messages: 90 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter Now i;m understanding this thig but i have still a doubt is i continue giving my X-series pedals the power from the Boss TU-2 can i cause damage to the pedals?:s i tried with a universal 9V 300mA and a Hummmm appears in my sound so i connect the Boss adapter again but i don't know if i can damage the pedals. Mark Bratcher member since: messages: 1940 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter No, you won't cause damage unless you use a PS that is a much higher voltage. Something close to 9VDC is fine. Wuapachoso member since: messages: 90 Subject: Re: Digidelay power adapter And my last question isss.... Hahaha i know i know What happend if i connect a much higher mA adapter to the Boss TU-2? Garmin Vus010r G2 Vision Chart.