USED COLT 38 BANKERS SPECIAL. THIS ONE DATES TO 1930. SERIAL NUMBER 341662. 38 S&W CALIBER. NO BOX OR PAPERS. For sale by Shoreline Shooters Supply on GunsAmerica. THE COLT BANKER'S SPECIAL. Bankers Special Police Positive Frame. Introduced in 1926 and made until 1940, the Colt Banker's Special was simply the Police Positive.
Colt Enhanced Reliability Package; Special Editions. Firearm Serial Number Lookup. Bebop Licks Guitar Pdf Tabs. As certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. Colt Enhanced Reliability Package; Special Editions. Firearm Serial Number Lookup. As certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models.
Firearm Serial Number Lookup - Year of Manufacture Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models.
Snowtape 2 Keygen Software. If your firearm does not appear in the listing, please understand that this is not a comprehensive database. Information provided here is approximate, if you wish to support your investment with the purchase of a complete history and Letter of Authenticity for your firearm or for more information, please contact. Enter Serial Number to search the database.