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Author by: Daniela De Pau Language: en Publisher by: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 91 Total Download: 320 File Size: 54,5 Mb Description: Italian cinema is internationally well-known for the ground-breaking experience of Neo-Realism, comedy Italian-Style, Spaghetti Westerns, and the horror movies of the seventies. However, what is rather unfamiliar to wider audiences is Italian cinema's crucial and enduring affair with literature. In fact, since the very beginning, literature has deeply influenced how Italian cinema has defined itself and grown. This book provides an empirical approach to this complex and fruitful relations. Shyne The Truth Advanced Rar Repair. Author by: Elena Borelli Language: en Publisher by: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 82 Total Download: 582 File Size: 44,8 Mb Description: Desire for love, desire for knowledge, desire to possess, desire to desire and to be desired: our life is shaped by what we want and by our efforts to achieve it. Hailed by philosophers and psychoanalysts as the core of human identity, desire informs not only our actions, but also our dreams and hopes and their sublimation into art and literature.

This collection of essays explores how desire is portrayed in modern and contemporary Italian literature, by analysing some of the most interesting literary figures of the last two centuries. The authors of this collection approach desire from various perspectives – psychoanalytical, sociological, political and semiotic – in order to show that desire, albeit at times not explicitly mentioned, pervades the literary works of modern and contemporary Italy, either as a central theme or as the secret motor of the narrative. Through the fil rouge of desire, the essays of this collection highlight the international dimension of Italian literature, establishing a connection between Italian authors and the major theoretical works of the last two centuries. As the notion of desire, as represented in literary texts, is informed by psychoanalytical and philosophical concepts that operate across the boundaries of nationality and language, modernists and scholars of Comparative Literature will find the papers in this book of considerable interest. Author by: Marilyn Schneider Language: en Publisher by: U of Minnesota Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 413 File Size: 54,8 Mb Description: Vengeance of the Victim was first published in 1986. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.
More profoundly than any documentary record, the collected fiction of Giorgio Bassani—Il Romanzo di Ferrara — captures a very particular and powerful historical reality: Italian Jewish life under Fascism, especially between the passage of the so-called racial laws in 1938 and the end of World War II. Set primarily in the provincial city of Ferrara, Bassani's narratives interweave themes of death, victimization, betrayal, survival, and artistic production.
His best-known novel, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis — and other works that concentrate on the crucial years of 1938-1945—stand at the center of the Romanzo.They are preceded by texts that look back on Jewish life in the liberal era of the Risorgimento, and followed by texts set in the liberated, democratic society of the postwar years. These framing narratives provide a space for remembrance and reflection. Marilyn Schneider's aim, in Vengeance of the Victim, is to uncover the symbolic layers — historical, spatial, topographical, mythopoeic, allegorical, and sexual — that five Bassani's texts their richness and ambiguity, and in so doing to achieve a full understanding of his work and its representation of the Italian Jewish experience. Death and victimization, which pervade these texts, set in motion a process of artistic renewal that is most fully embodied in the vibrant young Micol Finzi-Contini, Bassani's textual icon and a victim of the Holocaust. Schneider also finds that the narratives, especially the late ones, pay self-reflexive attention to the creation of the text, constructing an authorial persona engaged in an existential, moral, and artistic journey from symbolic death to rebirth. It is the writing subject's successful completion of the journey that constitutes the vengeance of the victim. Author by: David Ward Language: en Publisher by: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 82 Total Download: 643 File Size: 46,6 Mb Description: 'This book is an in-depth analysis of three of the most crucial years in twentieth-century Italian history, the years 1943-46.