BIBLE CODE SOFTWARE COMPARISONS by Roy A. Reinhold March 1, 2007 This article has been periodically updated for over 7 years, and discusses the features of a number of Bible code software programs which enable the average person to look for the hidden codes in the Bible.
From my own research, the extent of the codes is much greater than shown in books on the Bible codes. There have been huge advances in Bible code software since the mid-90's (over 1000 times faster and also automation). 12th Planet Be Blatant Meaning. The best commercial codes software programs makes it all far easier for everyone, beginner or expert.
You need a program that has automatic terms matching and also statistics capabilities. Psalms 139:16 Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and IN THY BOOK THEY WERE ALL WRITTEN, THE DAYS THAT WERE ORDAINED FOR ME, WHEN AS YET THERE WAS NOT ONE OF THEM. Macintosh: A. My recommendation for Mac Owners There are NO Bible codes programs for the Mac. However, Mac owners have 3 options.

Bible Code Website Links. Enjoy finding your own Bible codes. Bible code search software is available in our online store. Subscribe Free!
VirtualPC will run the top 3 ranked Bible code programs made for the PC, as evidenced by feedback from Mac owners who have done it (downside is $200 cost). Secondly, Parallels Desktop allows newer Macs to run Mac OS and Windows on their machine (cost $70-80 and highly rated). Thirdly, Apple has Boot Camp in a free beta that allows new Intel-Macs to run either Mac OS or Windows XP. It is better to use Boot Camp if you have a new Mac, because Windows runs natively without emulation, so Windows will run at higher speed; however, those selling Parallels Desktop say it is better to run Windows in an emulation.
You can read online about the options. No one is developing a modern Mac Bible codes program because of perceived market size. Torah Codes MAC from Torah Educational Software This is the only program available for the Macintosh that I know of. Torah Educational Software in New York and Israel sells the program for $19.95. Speed Test--same test as for PCs below, at least 6 hours or more. (versus less than 30 seconds for the PC programs).
Pro's--absolutely no positives, this program is a waste of money Con's--more than 1000 times slower than PC programs, OS9 or earlier, searches only the Torah (first five books of the Bible), NO display of matrix onscreen, you have to print a matrix and limited to 28 columns, searches only for one search term. It's old, it's slow, and in summary, it has nowhere near the capabilities of PC programs. I give it two thumbs down, although if I had more thumbs it would rate more than 2 thumbs down. PC Windows Bible Code Software: in ranked order (#1 and #2 are the best by far) 1. CodeFinder: Millennium Edition, by Research Systems, (Win 95 to XP) 2.
Keys to the Bible from Computronic Corp., new program Jan 2004 (Win 98 to XP) 2. Bible Search PRO, from TorahSoft, (Win 98 to XP) 4. Bible Codes Plus (formerly Bible Codes 2000) from Computronic Corp.
(Win 95 to XP) 5. Unlocking the Bible Codes, from Doko Media Ltd., (Win 95 to XP) 6. ABC Decoder from Computronic Corp. (Win 95 to XP) 7.