Best Answer: There is no way to extend the CD license expiration date without renewing it through Becker itself. However, I do not recommend this but someone can hypothetically attend the live lectures, make a friend through there, or possibly a coworker on the same path, and ask him/her to borrow his CD key. Then reinstalling the CD Software using this new CD key, since Becker does not really restrict the amount of times one can install the software, as long as its not in the 20's-100's. As I have read in the licensing agreement, they contact the original owner after the 3rd install just to verify that it was installed under his approval, and not given out to some piracy site. I myself have installed it about 5 times wihtout getting such a call. Again im not recommending you to go out and steal someones CD key.
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Jul 02, 2007 my Becker CPA 2007 CD is going to expire soon, I don't want to pay big bucks to renew, is there anyway to extend the expiration day? Course Expiration and Access. The Becker software expires after 18 months, which can end up costing you a lot of money if you fail an exam or need a little more time.
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Work bought my Becker material for me, which is good, but I ordered them too soon, and had delays in getting approved to sit. No, my material will expire Dec 4, and I will still have to take AUD and FAR. Obviously, I still have the books and cards, but the CD with the practice exams and homework will expire. I can t do another round and work won t pay for it. I thought of doing an online program. I only need practice questions, as I thrive on taking the MCQs over and over again. Navionics Electronic Charts Download Free. It s mostly how I learn the material.
I ll Pass Eventually REG 67, 66, BEC 79, FAR 5/26/10, AUD August 2010 Thats a bummer. I would have been lost without all aspects of my Becker.
I definitely recommend getting some sort of software to work with problems Simulations. FAR is a beast. AUD: 82 BEC:78 FAR: 78 REG: 89 Any recommendations. I was considering doing Wiley online for 6 months for 299. I personally only used Becker, so I have no personal experience with the other.
However, I have seen people say great hings on here about both Wiley and Yaegar which I believe are affiliated somehow I think its important to be able to cram out as many MCQ s as possible the more variations of things you see the better. Glutenator: I think that you can call Becker s and they can extend the period to use the software. I hope this help you: I don t think they will extend it for free at all. Thats the catch wtih that software, while you have 18 months to pass the exam that software is only licensed to you for 12. You might be able to do it at a reduced rate though.