@5PoL You probably have Apex settings or something so that there is a binding conflict. VAC needs the following keys. Space, 1-0 (over wasd), F1-F12 and Enter. If any of the 1-0 keys for example also function as 'select main weapon' or whatever. Uml Violet Download. The profile wont work because of the conflict. So space needs to work in a 'select all' / 'force command' (recommended) action, 1-0 must work in regards to the menu option box after troop selection, F1-F12 must work in regards to actual troop selection and enter must work as the 'execute orders' at the end of a command. For example 'Two move now' = F2, Enter in keypress.
IF that is not the problem, you might have some mic issues. Check in VACbuilder 'test phrase' to see if the correct commands are triggered when you say them. Check also in a notepad that the correct output is preformed. Lastly, there are more tips at the bottom of the Voice profile.txt readme files in the packed profile. Good Luck and let me know if you got it sorted.:). @GoodeIgin Thanks:) You can use VAC with any mod as long as they dont conflict on the controls.
While this VAC profile doesnt support C2 directly and its a bit complicated to get VAC to support C2 because of all the hold ctrl and alt etc type to use function. You can still use both mods at the same time to supplement each other. Kvisoft Flash Slideshow Designer Serial Killer. Like for example you hold ctrl and alt and say 'one' to alos press F1 and thereby select a fire team for the C2 system.
The VAC profile contains a mod called wwAI which has a -plan and go- system. Where you can for example say 'Five waypoint' (click several points on map), 'Six waypoint' (clicks), 'Go go go'.
And both units will execute the plan like older Rainbow6 games. (Check VACbuilder via catagory filer on the wwAI to see more commands). You could try running al 3 mods to get the best features from all.
Full Movie Arma 3 vac arma 3 profile test 2 combat youtube film stream dvd quality no download. Articulate is a voice input program for Arma 3. You can download the.